MANUFACTURING SERVICES turnkey product build or part assembly, range of options


Manufacturing electronic products requires extensive knowledge and experience and we are happy to offer our expertise. Whether it is turnkey, kitted or assembly manufacturing, we have the skills and the network of trusted partners that you can rely on. We will help you to find the right manufacturing option, so you can optimize production costs.

We will provide manufacturing package; manufacturing files for mechanical, electronics assemblies and cabling schematics. Bill Of Materials (BOM), co-ordinate with Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturers, PCB assembly and cable manufacturers and box-build service providers.

We also provide a time-efficient box-build services for smaller quantity pilot runs.

manufacuring support


Identifying manufacturing issues ranging from sub-optimal processes, critical and single-sourced components, component un-availability to replacing obsolete parts with alternatives, our experienced team will guide and support your manufacturing process to a time and cost efficient operation.

Our team will support you through the entire process.

If you are seeking a reliable product designed and built to your specifications in the timeliest and most cost-effective method, look no further!

Tronix Product Design



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